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Maison du Père’s social reintegration program offers an internal transitional accommodation service and the support of psychosocial workers to men who are homeless or at risk of finding themselves homeless.

The majority of them are grappling with one or more problems (mental health, drug addiction, loss of housing, leaving an institution, etc.) that they wish to resolve in order to improve their living conditions.

The objective of supervision and follow-ups in their procedure is to prepare them to take back their place in the community, permanently, in stable accommodation with an occupation adapted to their reality.

HP Refuge
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« In all cases, we support them in their efforts and we offer them the tools to succeed in achieving their goals..» 

Pascale Cyrus

Social Reintegration worker



During their stay, lasting a maximum of 15 months, participants are supported in their journey to achieve the personal goals they have set for themselves in their action plan: control of addictions, physical and/or psychological recovery, return to work or studies, legal procedures, search for accommodation, etc. Thanks to the many partnerships it has created, Maison du Père allows the men it supports to have easier access to the various public or community resources they need.


Three programs responding to specific issues have been set up in recent years:

Le Tremplin, for men who wish to commit to an employability process or need a place of transition to successfully integrate into a new job;

The Parcours rétablissement en santé mentale (mental health recovery path), for participants who want to consolidate their skills to gain more autonomy;

The John Howard Project, to better prepare criminalized men aged 50 years old and over with their release from prison..

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