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The homeless population is aging, and aging faster than the general population. At 55, the majority of the men we welcome is already weakened physically, psychologically and socially. More and more of them are finding themselves on the streets for the first time at an advanced age. The absence of caregivers, a low retirement income and the lack of affordable housing explains this sad reality. The fallout from the pandemic will not improve this situation.

Because of their income and their problems, they are excluded from public or private homes for the elderly. Maison du Père is practically their only resort in Montreal.

HP Refuge

«  Here, we are looked after with dignity. This is very important for me. We must respect each other. »

Résident, Résidence JADS

«  For me, leisure was not like a job, it was like a passion. I didn't know I could change lives with this, my whole life. »

Leisure activities intervention technician
Résidence J.A. DeSève

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«  Here, Maison du Père exists for whom? For me? No. It exists for the men, for the residents. My mission here is to alleviate suffering. …to bring a little peace, above all. If we can bring some hope, why not? »

Chef d'équipe, Intervenant psychosocial
Résidence J.A. DeSève



Maison du Père has been operating a private residence for seniors (Ré¬sidence privée pour aînés, or RPA) since 1982. 87 men who have experienced homelessness are accommodated there in private rooms, in accordance with the standards issued by the MSSS, the Quebec ministry of health and social services. It is suitable for autonomous and semi-autonomous people since assistance services can be added according to the resident’s needs (medication management, nursing care, hygiene care, etc.). It differs from other residences by offering specific services to this clientele: financial trust and psychosocial follow-ups.


Depuis 2017, la Maison du Père a complété son offre de service par l’ajout de soins palliatifs, afin que les résidents puissent être maintenus le plus longtemps possible dans leur milieu de vie naturel, auprès des gens qu’ils aiment, soit leurs pairs, les employés et les bénévoles de la Maison du Père. Pour ce faire, nous avons conclu un accord de partenariat avec la Société des soins palliatifs à domicile du Grand Montréal. Comme la majorité de ces hommes se retrouve sans réseau social ou familial aidant, l’équipe de la Résidence voit également aux arrangements funéraires de chacun.

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